Tuesday, March 26, 2013

hello blogger!!!still remember me???now i'll try 2 'rajinkan' myself 4 always update my blogger even i just write sometg nonsense or annoying...ok,now me start ok?hem...so bad u know when me come back 2 kl then everytg was changed!where i need 2 continue my life here without any job or 2 make it sweet on ur ears we can call it tanam anggur,oh my God...if at sabah i call it tanam ubi,but here its totally different!!!seriously..i need 2 start it back from the 1st,wei!!!where can me find the job????tell me blogger,,,im suddenly confused with my decision,am i choosen the rite way??or im wrong if think when me come back here evertg will always normal like before??heiiii farraaaaahhhhhh!!!there is not waiting for u!when u go n leave it,a thousand person will fight 2 get it!so???today me need 2 accept the way i lie,hahhaha!wake !wake!wake up from ur dream farah..oh mummy sorry 2 hurting u,i just want u 2 know from the first i take this wa is only for u...i want 2 changed our life,i want 2 give u sometg sweet 2 make u smile,laugh with no tears...im sorry mummy,i still dont get my dream,i still trouble u with any problem...oh Allah..forgive me...mummy forgive my mistake..insyallah..i'll prove 2 others that i can do it..hold my words...I CAN DO IT!!

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